Private Study

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify , redirect import datetime import json import urllib.parse from discord_webhook import DiscordWebhook from time import sleep from dotenv import load_dotenv import os load_dotenv() from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import Flow app = Flask(__name__) @app.after_request def add_cors_headers(response): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type' return response def getContent(): content = "" file = open("log.txt","r") for line in file: name = line.split(",")[0].strip() register = line.split(",")[1].strip() date = line.split(",")[2].strip() time = line.split(",")[3].strip() content += f"{name},{register},{date},{time}\n" content = f"```{content}```" return content DISCORD_URL = os.getenv("DISCORD-URL") # webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=DISCORD_URL, content=getContent()) # webhook.execute() @app.route('/backend', methods=['POST']) def receive_data(): data = request.get_json() first_name = data['firstName'] second_name = data['secondName'] selected_class = data['selectedClass'] authUser = data['authUser'] roomNumber = data['roomNumber'] if get_current_period() == "No ongoing period": response = {'url': "None",'status':'444'} return jsonify(response) else: URL = get_url(first_name, second_name, selected_class,authUser,roomNumber) response = {'url': URL,'status':'200'} return jsonify(response) def get_url(forename,surename,register,authUser,roomNumber): forename = forename.lower().capitalize() surename = surename.lower().capitalize() register = uppercase_register(register) firstLink = f"{authUser}/d/e/1FAIpQLScRh9KkjqK-McprkNoCJCdprlK9cgfyIAEd9AxzzTleWNhhmg/formResponse?" current_date = # Extract the day, year, and month from the current date day = current_date.strftime("%d") month = current_date.strftime("%m") year = current_date.strftime("%Y") time = ( + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).time() secondLink = f"entry.{find_entry(register)}={surename}+{forename}&entry.329194055_year={year}&entry.329194055_day={day}&entry.329194055_month={month}&entry.982001856={register}&entry.2550748={get_current_period()}&entry.1608292778={roomNumber}&emailAddress={forename.lower()}.{surename.lower()}%40{schoolorg}" file = open("log.txt","a") file.write(f"{forename} {surename},{register},{day}/{month}/{year},{time}\n") file.close() # webhook.content = getContent() # webhook.edit() return firstLink+secondLink def uppercase_register(register): newRegister = "" for char in register: if ord(char) >= ord("a") and ord(char) <= ord("z"): newRegister += char.upper() else: newRegister += char return newRegister def find_entry(register): # Read the JSON data from the file with open("classes.json") as file: data = json.load(file) # Perform a linear search entry = None for class_entry in data["classes"]: if class_entry["class"] == register: entry = class_entry["entry"] break return entry def get_current_period(): current_time = current_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(, current_time) # Check if it's Saturday or Sunday if current_datetime.weekday() in [5, 6]: return "No ongoing period" # Add one hour to the current datetime updated_datetime = current_datetime + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) # Extract the time from the updated datetime updated_time = updated_datetime.time() if datetime.time(8, 50) <= updated_time < datetime.time(9, 40): return "Period+1" elif datetime.time(9, 40) <= updated_time < datetime.time(10, 30): return "Period+2" elif datetime.time(10, 30) <= updated_time < datetime.time(11, 20): return "Period+3" elif datetime.time(11, 35) <= updated_time < datetime.time(12, 25): return "Period+4" elif datetime.time(12, 25) <= updated_time < datetime.time(13, 15): return "Period+5" elif datetime.time(14, 0) <= updated_time < datetime.time(14, 50): return "Period+6" elif datetime.time(14, 50) <= updated_time < datetime.time(15, 40): return "Period+7" else: return "No ongoing period" # Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET with your actual credentials CLIENT_ID = CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET = CLIENT_SECRET REDIRECT_URI = '' @app.route('/backend/google-auth') def google_auth(): flow = Flow.from_client_secrets_file( 'client_secret.json', scopes=['openid', 'email'], redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI ) authorization_url, _ = flow.authorization_url(prompt='consent') print(authorization_url) return redirect(authorization_url, code=302) @app.route('/backend/google-auth/callback') def google_auth_callback(): authuser = request.args.get('authuser') print(f"The number for the authuser is {authuser}") # flow = Flow.from_client_secrets_file( return redirect(f"{authuser}") # return jsonify({'authuserIndex': authuser}) if __name__ == '__main__':